The other day I was driving home from a guitar lesson. I was frustrated with the concepts we were learning because I couldn’t get them to fit in my brain. (The teacher keeps throwing out concepts, but has yet to teach us a song so even when it makes sense, it feels like there’s something missing because I don’t know WHY or how it all fits together.) 

And anyway, as soon as I hit the highway I couldn’t turn off my brain from mapping out a business plan for what I would do if I were an instructor.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no expert. I couldn’t pull this off without someone who knows guitar finessing the offer (and teaching the lessons). 

But, I’m just realizing that what my brain does is pretty unique (and I’ve never taken the time to appreciate it before).  

To me it seems simple. 

To me, it’s like my brain is on autopilot, always asking the question: what’s the point. Constantly coming back to: Why should I care? How does what you do affect me? Why does it matter in my life? No, really, what’s the fucking point? (Which may seem harsh, but because there are so many things people can pay attention to in the world, if they don’t know why they need your help, they’ll never buy from you). 

It’s what I do naturally, it’s how I show up in the world, it’s what happens when I’m driving home or taking a shower. 

And I can’t believe how long I’ve under-valued it. 

Because what I do so well is see what you do at your core and pull you into that reality with me. 

What I do is see your fullest potential, hold space for you to step into it, and help you communicate your magic with the world so they understand it and know they need it in their life. 

What I do is make what you do more profitable and sustainable (because I believe it makes the world a better place when people show up in love doing what they were made to do). 

Basically, I help you do what you do better whether you’re teaching guitar, writing a book, or healing the world.