You’re built for relationships. And at the same time, you can’t save the people you love. You can’t make them feel better. You can’t control them. You can’t change them—no matter how hard you try or how much you want to. 

And that’s terrifying. 

Because what if your kid chooses to drive drunk and gets in a car accident? What if your partner won’t stop drinking themselves to death? What if your mother disapproves of your life choices and refuses to speak with you until she dies? 

Not being able to control, change, or save the people you love feels like shit. 

But you were never meant to control or manipulate their experience of life. You weren’t designed to save them. You can’t keep them from feeling the full spectrum of human emotions. 

The only thing you can control, change, or make feel better is yourself. And the more I work on doing that, the more I see that that’s enough.